September 1, 2011

What should I wear?

There is no right answer for everyone as to what to wear for a photo shoot. There are many factors that go into what to wear, but here are some tips I found that I will tell anyone that asks me what they should wear:

1. For family or couples pics the key is blend but DO NOT match.

2. For family photos, pick a color pallet of 3-5 colors and tell everyone to stick with those colors. It’s amazing how things come together.

3. Dont do all solids OR all patterns but mix and match it up.

4. Patterns do not necessarily have to match. Get creative

5. This is a BIG one. Accessorize!!! Boots. Hats. Jewelry. Etc.

6. Go to your favorite clothing store. For example Anthopologie. Look at their magazines. Look at their models. Pay special attention to how they group clothing together. These companies pay their stylists BIG money to put these clothes together the way they do and you wont go wrong by being inspired by that. For kids go into the Gap Kids store and look on their walls. Notice the way they layer the clothes. It might not be what you would do on a normal basis but for photos IT WORKS!!!

7. Go a little bit out there. Meaning, if you play it safe on your first clothing choice and you have the option to change wardrobe (which of course you always do with me) get crazy. Wear somthing slightly costume-y. Just be sure to have a clear theme and make sure that I am in on it so I can bring the appropriate props and take you to the appropriate locations to make the outfits work and not look goofy.

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